Download portal: Catalogs, certificates & more
On this page we offer you an overview of all available download documents. You can download them efficiently and easily. Thanks to the image preview, you can quickly determine whether it is the document you are looking for.
Our product catalogs & product flyers
- All
- Dermatomes
- Drills and Saws
- Elevators
- Fixation
- Mallet
- Retractors
- Rib spreader
- Spine
- custom-made products
- orthopaedics
Regulatory Affairs
Rudolf Storz operates as a contract manufacturer on the market and does not market the products under its own name/ brand.
Our customers are responsible for the declaration of conformity according to EC Directive 93/42 or Regulation (EU) 2017/745.
The classification of the product groups on our homepage as well as in our catalogs is based solely on empirical values and indications of our customers. However, our customers are also responsible for determining the intended purpose and indication. We are happy to share our experience with you, but we do not accept any responsibility or liability for this.
Hygiene clearance certificate
For returns, repairs or complaints, please contact our service department.
When returning products, please use the enclosed form that you enclose with the return shipment.
If you have any questions or concerns, the experts at Rudolf Storz are at your disposal
Are you ready to work with a leading medical technology company? Contact Rudolf Storz today and see how we take medical technology to the next level!